John Nurminen Foundation goes sailing with s/y Belmont

Every year s/y Belmont provides John Nurminen Foundation, our long time partner, with several sailing trips. This helps them to further their agenda of conserving the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. Typically, John Nurminen Foundation uses this opportunity to take important cooperation partners for a day on the water.

Our objective is to conserve the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. We realize productive and concrete conservation operations concerning the Baltic Sea, and make sure that the stories of the sea are passed on to future generations.
- John Nurminen Foundation

This year’s first excursion was blessed with a stunning sailing weather with plenty of sun and brisk southerly wind. The conditions allowed for anyone who wanted to come and take a turn steering, which in itself is rather exciting as s/y Belmont is a rather large sailing boat. Some of the team from John Nurminen Foundation had plenty of sailing experience, while others weren’t too familiar with how a sailing boat works. Nevertheless, everyone had a relaxed day on the water with lots of laughs.



“It is always a great pleasure to open a new sailing season with our long term partner legendary s/y Belmont. As usual We sailed from s/y Belmont’s home port HSK Lauttasaari, from where we headed to the Harmaja lighthouse and from there on through the fortress islands of Suomenlinna to almost the center of Helsinki. There in front of Valkosaari and sheltered from the brisk wind we had a great opportunity to enjoy coffee and sandwiches. Warm thanks once again to s / y Belmont and its wonderful crew. We look forward to our next joint sailing”.

-Ari Rytkönen, Corporate Fundraiser, John Nurminen Foundation

The Swan European Regatta Turku 2021: why you don't want to miss it



As the Swan European Regatta 2021 approaches we thought it would be nice to recap the previous edition of the Turku sailing event and let you know what you can expect from this year’s edition. The Swan European Regatta will place take this year from the 21st to 25th of July. The event which was initially scheduled to take place last year, will be finally going ahead this year. Among the confirmed entries is Tapio Lehtinen’s Swan 55 Galiana, with the rest of the fleet (over 40 entries!) hailing from Finland, Sweden and Germany.

The summer city of Turku which has previously hosted the event three times will once again play host to this prestigious event. The regatta is organised by Nautor’s Swan in collaboration with Turku Yacht Club (Turun Pursiseura) as well as the City of Turku. Racing will take in the form of archipelago racing which means enjoying the pristine beauty of the Airisto racing area. Docking for all boats will again be in the heart of the city, along the river Aura.


The racing course will be located in the Sea of Archipelago – Airisto. The racing will consist of four races – one race per day with each race estimated to take 3-6 hours. The laidback nature of the racing lets sailors enjoy their surroundings on the beautiful waters of Airisto.

Mikko Hongell, who participated in the 2016 edition of the race, while celebrating a friends bachelor party said of the regatta, “First you have some not-too-serious sail racing in the most beautiful archipelago with the most beautiful boats. Then after the racing, you glide to the beautiful Turku river for great layback social events with the other crews and visitors.”.

For people hailing from afar, charts of the area can be found here (Finnish Coastal Chart 26, Korppoo-Turku or Sea Chart Series D, Sea of Archipelago)

The handicap system Time on Time (TOT) scoring will be used. You can find further information on the racing, such as the Notice of Race here.


The mooring will once again be in the guest harbour, which is situated in the heart of Turku along the River Aura. This mooring is ideal for people looking to experience the summer city of Turku as its best. Situated right next to the guest harbour is the trendy restaurant NOOA as well as the Turku landmark Föri (which is the oldest vehicle still in daily operation in Finland). Also, a stone throw away is Forum Marinum, a maritime museum which has a plethora of interesting boats and crafts from yesteryear.

Unfortunately, the well known social events, such as the Owner’s dinner (previously held at Turku Castle) and Crew Party, which have been major highlights in previous editions of the event, will not be taking place this year due to the pandemic. However, the City of Turku will be hosting small events that will run alongside the Swan European Regatta – a stage has been promised.

The Opening Ceremony as well as the Prize giving will take place onboard the full-rigger Suomen Joutsen, so bring something a little more formal than shorts and t-shirt!

As the event is organised by Nautor’s Swan, it means that the regatta is a Swans-only affair. If you don’t own a Swan or don’t know anyone who does – fear not! You can always rent one for you and your friends! Buying and upkeeping a large yacht is a lot so here’s easily accessible options.



For more information on chartering a Swan head over to S/y Belmont Racing!






Joel Harkimo tar över rodret på s/y Belmont projektet

Joel Harkimo efterträder Joakim Hildén som haft ansvaret för s/y Belmont-projektet sedan 2016.

Swan 51 s/y Belmont är stolt över att kunna meddela att Joel Harkimo tar övet rodret på s/y Belmont-projektet. Harkimo är för tillfället delägare och verkställande direktör på företaget Starsquad Events, men också son till Harry “Hjallis” Harkimo, som framgångsrikt tävlade i ensamseglingstävlingen BOC Challenge Around the World 1986-87 med s/y Belmont. Joel Harkimo har själv en rätt offentlig bakgrund inom segling, han har bland annat seglat över Atlanten i reality tv serien "Atlantin yli".

Joel Harkimo efterträder Joakim Hildén som haft ansvaret för s/y Belmont-projektet i 5 år. Hildén kommer att fortsätta som styrelsemedlem i bolaget.


"s/y Belmont är en drömbåt för mig. Då jag ännu var en liten pojke berättade min far om sin ensamseglats och det stora äventyret. Jag har inte haft mycket att göra med s/y Belmont, så jag är väldigt ivrig då jag nu får ta del i s/y Belmonts verksamhet. Det är på sätt och vis en dröm som går i uppfyllelse för mig. Dessutom får jag åka ut och segla med båten och jag ser fram emot att visa båten också för min sambo Janni!

-Joel Harkimo


Förändringen i ledningen kommer samtidigt som företagets bolagsordning övergår till samhälleligt bolag, samtidigt som företaget fortsättningsvis jobbar för att bevara en del av finsk seglingshistoria samt med dess olika välgörenhetsändamål som till exempel John Nurminen Stiftelsen, Helsinki Missio och sjöscouterna. All avkastning kommer att användas till båtens skötsel, operativa kostnader och välgörenhet.


Jag är mer än glad över att överlåta rodret till Joel, framför allt nu då vårt s/y Belmont –projekt är officiellt ett samhälleligt bolag. Även om projektet varit pro bono-verksamhet ända sedan vi anskaffade s/y Belmont, är det nu lättare för allmänheten att inse att allt det vi gjort tidigare, och det vi kommer att göra i framtiden, är enbart för att kunna bevara en del av finsk seglingshistoria och för att möjliggöra det för oss att ägna oss åt välgörenhet.

-Joakim Hildén.


S/y Belmont, som är belägen på Drumsö i Helsingfors, förbereder sig för tillfället för inkommande seglingssäsong med evenemang som Swan European Regatta 2021.

Joel Harkimo inleder sin färd med s/y Belmont projektet omedelbart.


Piu Nyberg
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