John Nurminen Foundation goes sailing with s/y Belmont

Every year s/y Belmont provides John Nurminen Foundation, our long time partner, with several sailing trips. This helps them to further their agenda of conserving the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. Typically, John Nurminen Foundation uses this opportunity to take important cooperation partners for a day on the water.

Our objective is to conserve the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. We realize productive and concrete conservation operations concerning the Baltic Sea, and make sure that the stories of the sea are passed on to future generations.
– John Nurminen Foundation

This year’s first excursion was blessed with a stunning sailing weather with plenty of sun and brisk southerly wind. The conditions allowed for anyone who wanted to come and take a turn steering, which in itself is rather exciting as s/y Belmont is a rather large sailing boat. Some of the team from John Nurminen Foundation had plenty of sailing experience, while others weren’t too familiar with how a sailing boat works. Nevertheless, everyone had a relaxed day on the water with lots of laughs.



“It is always a great pleasure to open a new sailing season with our long term partner legendary s/y Belmont. As usual We sailed from s/y Belmont’s home port HSK Lauttasaari, from where we headed to the Harmaja lighthouse and from there on through the fortress islands of Suomenlinna to almost the center of Helsinki. There in front of Valkosaari and sheltered from the brisk wind we had a great opportunity to enjoy coffee and sandwiches. Warm thanks once again to s / y Belmont and its wonderful crew. We look forward to our next joint sailing”.

-Ari Rytkönen, Corporate Fundraiser, John Nurminen Foundation