The BOC Challenge around the world 1986-87

The BOC singlehanded Challenge around the world 1986-87

s/y Belmont is part of the illustrious group of historical Swans built over the years by Nautor (together with Swans like: Tarantella, Casse Tette, Sayula II). s/y Belmont is the Swan 51 which Harry “Hjallis” Harkimo successfully competed with in the BOC Challenge 1986-87.

The singlehanded around the world race started on the 30th of August 1986 and s/y Belmont crossed the finish line in Newport, RI on 8th of May 1987. Of the 25 boats that started the race only 16 boats made it to the finish, with 9 boats forced to retire due to the extreme conditions the boats and the sailors had to endure. After 168 days alone, two capsizes, a great number of storms and doldrums on the seven seas, s/y Belmont safely finished as third boat in its class – an achievement which to date has not been exceeded in Finnish sailing history!

“It hasn't been easy, I can assure you. I have gone through several unbelievably difficult moments. Only with strong faith and relentless effort have I made it.”

— Harry "Hjallis" Harkimo

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